Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family Tree Project

In social studies we've been reading about how families keep records and one of the most popular methods is through genealogy and family trees. So, we are going to make our own family trees. Each person will be responsible to do a bit of research on their family and create a family tree. Your tree should go back at LEAST to your grandparents, but try to go back even farther - it will be cool to see how far back our family lines go. As far as details go, I only require first names - if you choose to add last names that's fine. Birth/death dates are not necessary. Note: This is NOT something we will be working on during classtime - it is a homework project and meant to be worked on at home, as a family.

All I'm asking is for it to be done on a blank piece of white paper, but some students expressed interest in using posterboard and that is fine, too. The family trees will be on display here at school so please be neat and colorful!

Due date is Monday, November 24, 2008.

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