Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week of May 25-29, 2009

Friday 5/29/09
  • Math 3: This morning we worked on simplifying expressions that include multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. The important thing to remember is that we need to MULTIPLY and DIVIDE first, then ADD and SUBTRACT. We can remember this by getting help from "My Dear Aunt Sally" - multipy, divide, add, subtract. We also learned place value to one million. No homework.
  • Language Arts 3/4: We journaled about the upcoming summer break, took our last spelling test of the school year, and then finished up working on math or reading for book reports. No homework.
  • Religion 3/4: Next Wednesday is the last day to say memory work and about half the class still has Scripture to study - catch up this weekend!
  • Science 3/4: We began a chapter review in class today which will need to be completed for homework this weekend. Students are working on page 168-169 and need to finish answering the following questions: do ALL of 1-25, pick TWO from 26-30, and pick ONE from 31-32. Students should try to answer as many as possible without looking back in the chapter but if needed, page numbers are listed next to each question.
  • Art 3/4: We used art time today to work on Father's Day cards (shh, don't tell!!).
Thursday 5/28/09
  • Math 3: We learned how to do problems dividing a two-digit number by a one digit number with a remainder. Long division is probably the most complicated concept we've learned so far. It requires one to not only divide, but also to multiply and subtract. It requires a solid knowledge of all the times tables as well as the ability to subtract. If your student is still weak in the area of multiplication PLEASE keep studying these, especially during the summer months. No homework.
  • Language Arts 3: Some of us worked on spelling, and others used the time to finish working on math. The long division stumped some of us! Homework: Daniel has ABC order, 3x, and sentences; Alizza and Ryan have sentences; everyone need to study for the spelling test tomorrow.
  • Language Arts 4: Fourth graders kept reading for their book reports. Homework: Alina and Laurie have sentences, everyone but Craig has words to study for tomorrow's test.
  • Religion 3/4: Some students have memory work to learn still...the school year isn't over yet! Keep studying!!
  • Science 3/4: We played a game to review chronic/acute, infectious/noninfectious, and virus/bacteria diseases. Then we discussed ways that we can keep ourselves well: eat healthy foods, exercise, avoid harmful things like smoking/drinking/drugs, and manage our stress. No homework.
  • PE 3/4: Kickball with Mr. Bretscher!
Wednesday 5/27/09

  • Math 3: Today we learned how to write hundredths using fractions and decimals. This was an easy concept to pick up because we compared one hundredth to one penny...100 pennies make a dollar, and 100 hundredths make up a whole. Therefore, we write the fraction just like we did when writing a check, and we write the decimal just like we would write a money amount. For example, thirty-seven hundredths would be .37 or 37/100. No homework, except to study fact cards!
  • Language Arts 3: We journaled and worked hard on spelling words and cursive handwriting, and also used the time to finish up our math from before chapel time. Homework: Daniel and Ryan have 3x, Daniel also has ABC order. CURSIVE!!
  • Language Arts 4: We journaled and then spent the rest of the time reading for our book reports and working on spelling homework. Book reports are due on Tuesday, June 2!! Please make sure you are taking time to read each night and planning time to work on your report, either in class or at home this weekend. Homework: Alina and Ashton have 3x.
  • Science 3/4: We continued in our unit on diseases and learned about noninfectious diseases, which you can't spread through pathogens. This means they are not contagious. Some examples of these that we discussed were heart disease, cancer, diabetes, asthma, allergies, and arthritis. We also concluded that because many of these diseases do not have cure but only treatments, they are considered chronic diseases, meaning they last a long time. Homework: Predicting Outcomes worksheet - students are given four situations and asked to select the most likely outcome from three possibilities. Please make sure your child is thinking through each situation and using knowledge from class and the text book to complete this sheet - talk it over with them but please don't give them the answers
  • We also read our last Scholastic News of the school year! It was a double issue, so we had twice as many stories and activities to go over together. We read about science fiction and the new Star Trek movie, Hawaii's 50th anniversary as a state, the Obama family's new dog Bo, and several other interesting topics. We also read about the Summer Slide, an occurence that affects hundreds of students each year. Because they don't keep their brains active over the summer, they forget a lot of what they learned and have to spend the first few months of the new school year RE-learning what they already knew! Scholastic's suggestion was to read four or more books over the summer. Students can sign up for the Summer Challenge at and access age-appropriate book lists, discover new authors, chat with other children about books, win prizes, and keep those brains active during the summer months.
Tuesday 5/26/09 - half day

  • Math 3: Today we worked with showing large numbers using objects, rounding numbers to the nearest thousand, and comparing/ordering numbers from 0 to 10,000. Place value continues to be an important concept! Everyone finished their work in class. For the rest of this week, students will not be bringing home math homework. We will only be completing one skill sheet for lesson (instead of the usual two) so there is no reason why students can't finish their work in class. Hopefully no math homework will make this last week of school more bearable, but please remember to keep studying your multiplication fact cards!
  • Language Arts 3/4: We journaled about the weekend, took our last spelling pre-test of the year, then used the rest of the time to work on handwriting (3rd grade) or reading for book reports (4th grade). Homework: Spelling words in ABC order.
Monday 5/25/09: No School! Happy Memorial Day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Terra Nova Conference Schedule

Parent teachers conferences are being held May 26 and 27, 2009. Conference times for my students were based on the forms returned today, and to my knowledge everyone received a 15-minute appointment during their first preference. These conferences are only to discuss the results of the Terra Nova tests, which students took in April. In case you misplace your appointment confirmation slip that was sent home today, here is the schedule:

Tuesday May 26, 2009

  • 1:15 - 1:30 : Laurie
  • 1:30-1:45 : Alizza
  • 1:45-2:00 : Ryan
  • 2:00 - 2:15 : Ashton
  • 6:30 - 6:45 : Alina
  • 6:45 - 7:00 : Kevin
  • 7:00 - 7:15 : Daniel

Wednesday May 27, 2009

  • 3:30 - 3:45 : Craig

Monday, May 18, 2009

Week of May 18-22, 2009

Reminders for this week:

  • Parent teacher conference APPOINTMENT CONFIRMATIONS went home on Tuesday. Based on the forms I received, everyone has been scheduled during their first choice.
  • Sandwich order forms are due no later than Wednesday May 20, 2009. Please consider buying a sandwich or two and help support Miss Bertschi's future mission work in Germany! Thank you in advance for your support!
Wednesday 5/20/09
  • Math 3: Today we learned how to plot points on a coordinate plane. We learned about coordinates and reviewed positive and negative numbers. Most students came close to finishing the A paper today but did not complete it. Homework: 129 A and B.
  • Language Arts 3: We journaled, practiced writing our spelling words in cursive, and reviewed adverbs and adjectives. Remember, an adverb answers the questions how? when? where? while an adjective answers the questions which one? how many? what kind? Homework: Spelling sentences written in cursive.
  • Language Arts 4: We journaled, then used the rest of class time to read our book report novels. Homework: Spelling sentences written in cursive.
  • Science 3/4: We continued discussing infectious diseases and learned about some of the body's natural defenses against disease. Unfortunately many students had a hard time staying on task and following directions during today's lesson, so we did not get through the reading and is has been assigned for homework. Typically I would not assign as homework somethign that we didn't have time for, but the students chose to waste class time therefore the consequence is to do the reading alone for homework tonight rather than together with the class and myself. Homework: Read pages 150-155.
  • We also used afternoon time to finish up practicing the recorder song and our class verse for the final assembly, which will take place this Friday at 10:30 a.m. Please make plans to attend, it will be a very special time for students and teachers alike.
Tuesday 5/19/09
  • Math 3: This morning we went back to the number line and reviewed positive and negative numbers. We also learned how to add negative numbers and drew pictures to match these new number sentences on the number line. Most finished 128A in class. Homework: 128 B.
  • Language Arts 3: Third graders are becoming pros at classifying parts of the sentence - so far they have been able to find the subject (noun), verb, and adverb, and today we added adjectives. Hopefully the jingles and question/answer flows we've been learning are helping to solidify these concepts! There will be a quiz over these four parts of speech later this week. Homework: Spelling words written 3x in cursive.
  • Language Arts 4: Fourth graders are now finished with their literature books and have begun reading a novel of their choice set in the 1700 or 1800s, to coincide with our recent studies on pioneer life, colonialism, and early America. The novels are historical fiction, which involve actual people, places, and events in history but are surrounded by the author's added storyline. Over the last two weeks of class, fourth graders will prepare and present a book report on their novel. Time will be given in class each day to read and eventually work on reports but this project most likely will require some work to be done at home. Homework: Spelling words written 3x in cursive.
  • Religion 3/4:
  • Science 3/4: We learned specifically about infectious diseases today. We learned new vocabulary and the different between a virus and bacteria, and we found out what a pathogen is.
  • PE 3/4: Kickball with Mr. Bretscher.
Monday 5/18/09

  • Math 3: Today we worked on finding distances between cities on a map using map scale. This is not a new concept, in fact we began doing this months ago in social studies! Some students are still struggling with measuring to the quarter inch, which in turn makes using the map scale very difficult. Please practice measuring small distances with your child and review writing mixed numbers. Two students finished all of their work, A and B, in class today. Homework: finish the map, 127A and B.
  • Language Arts 3: We journaled, took spelling pre-test #33, and then reviewed subject noun, verb, and adverb. Homework: Spelling words written in ABC order using cursive.
  • Language Arts 4: We journaled, took spelling pre-test #33, and then finished reading "The Fighting Ground", the last story in our literature book! Homework: Spelling words in ABC order using NEAT cursive.
  • Religion 3/4: First half of memory work on page 241 (up to the word "God").
  • Science 3/4: With all the new information about swine flu or H1N1 going around, it seemed appropriate for us to address this area in our studies. For the next two weeks we will be learning about guarding against diseases, the difference between infectious and noninfectious, and specific ways the body fights disease. It is sure to be an interesting study and will hopefully keep students captivated during these last few days of school. We will conclude the unit next Friday by taking a test and watching a Magic School Bus video about the immune system.
  • We also used afternoon time to work on our recorder song and class verse for the final assembly, which will take place this Friday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week of May 11-15, 2009

Thursday 5/14/09
  • Math 3: We took a test in class today. No homework except to study fact cards!! No math tomorrow due to Field Day.
  • Language Arts 3: We learned a new jingle about adverbs and added adverbs to the mix in classifying sentences. For the last few weeks of school I am trying the Shurley English method (Google it!) to help solidify what student have already been taught about grammar and parts of speech and so far it is working out well. Homework: Study for spelling test, which will take place tomorrow afternoon due to Field Day in the morning.
  • Language Arts 4: We began reading the last story in our literature books, an excerpt from the novel "The Fighting Ground" by Avi. Homework: Study for spelling test, which will take place tomorrow afternoon due to Field Day in the morning.
  • Religion 3/4:
  • Social Studies 3/4: We ate the orange candy that took so long to prepare, and some really liked it while others didn't appreciate the taste. We finished up our Venn Diagrams that compared two Native American leaders and then got to hear another chapter from "Pocahontas."
  • PE 3/4: We threw boomerangs in the field with Mr. Bretscher.
Wednesday 5/13/09
  • Math 3: We learned how to use number lines to show three types of problems: some, some more; some, some went away; and equal groups. We also learned how to write number sentences to match a number line drawing. Homework: 126 A/B.
  • Language Arts 3/4: We learned about a traditional pioneer/colonial children's game called Cat's Cradle, which is played with a piece of string and two people. We learned how to play the game; some caught on quickly but we all had to practice many times. Thankfully it was fun so we didn't mind having to practice it! Homework: Spelling sentences, in cursive.
  • The afternoon was spent in the kitchen preparing and eating foods for our Pioneer Day! We made our own butter from whipping cream, baked cornbread and cooked hasty pudding, carved and filled apples which we baked with brown sugar, and even mulled some apple cider! Our orange peel candy took much longer to prepare and will be ready to eat tomorrow. Overall we had a great time together in the kitchen, getting a taste of colonial meals and trying new things. Great job everyone, and thanks for all your hard work!!
Tuesday 5/12/09

  • Math 3: This morning we worked on dividing by 6, 8, and 9. Most students finished 125A in class. Homework: 125B and study fact cards!!
  • Language Arts 3 and 4: We spent some time journaling and then used the rest of our time to practice for our field trip to Mill Pond, where we sang to three different crowds! Homework: Spelling words written 3x in neat cursive.
  • Religion 3/4: Our field trip to Mill Pond took place during religion time and so we did not have religion class today. Thursday is the next time we will meet, please make sure to study memory work between now and then.
  • Social Studies 3/4: We were planning to use time today on start peeling oranges for our orange peel candy that we're preparing for Pioneer Day tomorrow, but unfortunately that had to be taken away as a consequence for bad classroom behavior. Instead, we did some more reading on three major Native Americans from the 1800s in Indiana: Little Turtle, Tecumseh, and Tenskwatawa (the Prophet). Tomorrow is Pioneer Day!
  • PE 3/4: Outside sports with Mr. Bretscher.
Monday 5/11/09

  • Math 3: Third graders reviewed multiples of 8 and learned how to divide a two-digit number by a one digit number using long division! Now more than ever, students MUST be studying their fact cards each night. We are moving on to more complex math work and multiplication/division facts need to become basic knowledge - study study study! Homework: 124B and oral facts 124.
  • Language Arts 3: We took spelling pretest #32 and then did more review work with identifying subject noun and verb in sentences. Homework: Spelling words in ABC order, using CURSIVE handwriting.
  • Language Arts 4: Fourth graders re-read "Life in Philadelphia" and completed a worksheet on comparison and contrast. Homework: Get parent signature on comprehension quiz, then make corrections to the quiz and return on Tuesday. Also, spelling words in ABC order using neat CURSIVE handwriting.
  • Social Studies 3/4: We finished up a Scholastic News about invasive species and completed a skill sheet involving ordering events and reading a chart. Not everyone finished. Homework: Complete the Scholastic News skill sheet.
  • Music 3/4: We worked more on our recorder song "Life is a Journey" for the final assembly...some students have already learned the entire chorus and some are still working on memorizing the notes. Remember to practice for 5 minutes each night and bring your recorder back to school EVERY DAY so that we can practice together in class.
  • Four students did not bring in their supplies for Pioneer Day, which is this Wednesday. A note was sent home last Wednesday that asked for supplies to be brought in to school no later than today...PLEASE send Pioneer Day supplies to school on Tuesday. Without all of the supplies we will not be able to have our special day.
  • Also, remember to wear your purple shirt tomorrow! 3-6 grade will be going to Mill Pond to visit the Sutherlins' great-grandma and sing some songs to the "lunch crowd". It will be a special time of sharing with the residents and patients!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week of May 4-8, 2009

Friday 5/8/09
  • Math 3: Homework: 123B, and study fact cards.
  • Religion 3/4:
  • We had a special treat this afternoon and watched "The Tale of Despereaux." This movie was based on the novel of the same name, which Miss Bertschi read to the class back in the fall. It was interesting to find similarities and differences between the book and the movie!
  • Happy Mother's Day!
Thursday 5/7/09
  • Math 3: We did two lessons today because we won't have time tomorrow with the Mother's Tea! Students learned how to divide multiples of 10 by a single digit number, and they also began working with negative numbers on a number line. Most finished 122A in class. Homework: 122B and oral facts 122. Also be sure to study fact cards!
  • Language Arts 3: We took spelling tests and got caught up on any missing work from the week. No homework.
  • Language Arts 4: We took spelling tests and got caught up on any missing work from the week. No homework.
  • PE 3/4: Kickball outside with Mr. Bretscher.
  • We also spent a considerable amount of afternoon time preparing tasty treats for the Mother's Tea tomorrow and finishing up our gifts for our guests. Hope to see you there tomorrow!
Wednesday 5/6/09

  • Math 3: We learned about volume today and used cubes to learn how to find the volume of a rectangular prism. Most students finished 121A in class. Homework: 121B.
  • Language Arts 3: We journaled and then spent some time reviewing sentence structure. We'll be spending the last month of school going back and working on anything that we are still struggling with in the English and writing skills department. Homework: Spelling 3x and sentences. Don't forget to use cursive!
  • Language Arts 4: We read a piece on life in Philadephia and worked on identifying examples of comparison and contrast within the story. Homework: Finish Comparing and Contrasting skill sheet, spelling words 3x and spelling sentences. Cursive!!
  • Religion 3/4: 228-229 and any makeup assignments.
  • We also used afternoon time to finish up our craft for the Mother's Tea, practice our song, and work on our recorder piece for the final assembly.
Monday 5/4/09

  • Math 3: We learned the multiples of 8 and also reviewed factors and products. Remember, two numbers multiplied together are the factors, and the answer is the product. We identified all the factors for numbers 1-20 and also found out about prime numbers, which have EXACTLY two factors. Homework: 120 A/B will be due Wednesday because of the field trip.
  • Language Arts 3: We took our pre-test for spelling list #31, journaled about the weekend, and then reviewed some important points in cursive handwriting. Starting this week third graders are expected to complete their spelling homework in cursive. Homework: ABC order should be completed on the worksheet that was sent home - it demonstrates how to write each word in cursive. Due Wednesday because of the field trip.
  • Language Arts 4: We took spelling pre-test #31 and journaled about the weekend. We then read a story about Paul Cuffe, identified opinions within the story, and finished making our old-fashioned silhouettes using a flashlight and black paper. Homework: Spelling words in ABC order, due Wednesday because of the field trip.
  • Religion 3/4: Memory work on page 227 is due on Wednesday because of the field trip. We will have chapel on Thursday instead of Wednesday this week because of Pastor Barber's schedule, meaning we will have religion on Wednesday instead of Thursday. Please plan your memory work accordingly.
  • Music 3/4: We continue to learn and practice our recorder song for the final assembly, and we also began learning our class verse with the help of a fun song. Make sure you are practicing your recorder five minutes a night and bringing it back to school each day.
  • We also used afternoon time to work more on our Mother's Tea craft.