Monday, November 24, 2008

Week of November 24-28, 2008

A few notes about this week:

  • Our Thanksgiving chapel service is Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Please come worship with us and hear your children play the chimes.
  • No spelling words due to the shortened week
  • Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and friends!
Wednesday 11/26/08
  • Math 3: 55B
  • Reading 3: None
  • Reading 4: None
  • Religion 3/4: None
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Take-home test. This is an open book test and is due on Monday 12/1/08.
Tuesday 11/25/08
  • Math 3: 54B and timed oral facts
  • Reading 3: Finish cursive sheet - X and Y
  • Reading 4: Finish setting skill sheet
  • Religion 3/4: None
  • Science 3/4: Volcano worksheet - do NOT do the backside, just the volcano side!!!
  • Social Studies 3/4: None
Monday 11/24/08

  • Math 3: 53B
  • Reading 3: None
  • Reading 4: Finish commas skill sheet
  • Religion 3/4: Finish memorizing the Commandment. Tomorrow is the last day to say your last few Commandments!!
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family Tree Project

In social studies we've been reading about how families keep records and one of the most popular methods is through genealogy and family trees. So, we are going to make our own family trees. Each person will be responsible to do a bit of research on their family and create a family tree. Your tree should go back at LEAST to your grandparents, but try to go back even farther - it will be cool to see how far back our family lines go. As far as details go, I only require first names - if you choose to add last names that's fine. Birth/death dates are not necessary. Note: This is NOT something we will be working on during classtime - it is a homework project and meant to be worked on at home, as a family.

All I'm asking is for it to be done on a blank piece of white paper, but some students expressed interest in using posterboard and that is fine, too. The family trees will be on display here at school so please be neat and colorful!

Due date is Monday, November 24, 2008.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Week of November 17-21, 2008

A few notes about this week:

  • We will begin writing to our new penpals, students at Vienna Christian School in Vienna, Austria. They come from many different countries and we are excited to learn about their home cultures! I've learned that our new friends love Jolly Ranchers, so if you'd like to donate a small pack of them to send with our first letters that would be fine (please send them with your child by Friday).
  • Third graders are beginning a reading incentive program to correspond with our new literature unit, Money. For every 10 minutes spent reading, students may earn $1, which can be spent in the "store" at designated times throughout our unit. Check your child's planner for the "timeslip", which will be due every Monday.
  • It is the 12th week for spelling words, which means this is a review week. Any spelling words your child has this week are words that were previously missed, either on the Monday pre-test or the Friday spelling test. Some students have no words at all. Spelling homework still applies to any student who has words in their planner (except ABC order, which can't be done with one word).

Friday 11/21/08

  • Math 3: 52B, Oral Facts 52
  • Language Arts 3: None
  • Language Arts 4: None
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing Commandments 9-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Family Tree project - due MONDAY

Thursday 11/20/08

  • Math 3: 51B
  • Language Arts 3: Final copy of your pen pal letter is due TOMORROW
  • Language Arts 4: Final copy of your pen pal letter is due TOMORROW
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing Commandments 9-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Family Tree project - due MONDAY

Wednesday 11/19/08

  • Math 3: 50A/B
  • Language Arts 3: Finish cursive sheet (M, N); spelling sentences on handwriting paper
  • Language Arts 4: Finish "Reasons" skill sheet; spelling sentences on handwriting paper
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing Commandments 9-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None
Tuesday 11/18/08

  • Math 3: 49A
  • Language Arts 3: Spelling words 3x on handwriting paper
  • Language Arts 4: Finish vocab search and write sentences using the vocab words; spelling words 3x on handwriting paper
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing Commandments 9-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Monday 11/17/08

  • Math 3: 48B, timed fact page 48B (four minute timer - after time runs up, complete remaining facts with a colored pencil)
  • Language Arts 3: Reading timeslip, spelling words in ABC order
  • Language Arts 4: Finish reading page 186-199, spelling words in ABC order
  • Religion 3/4: Page 81 in religion book, Memorizing Commandments 9-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week of November 10-14, 2008

Friday 11/14/08
  • Math 3: 47B - have an adult time you for 4 minutes while you do as many facts as you can
  • Language Arts 3: None
  • Language Arts 4: None
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandment #9 or 10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Thursday 11/13/08

  • Math 3: 46B
  • Language Arts 3: Finish unit wrap-up, study for spelling test
  • Language Arts 4: Finish adjectives and adverbs skill sheet, study for spelling test
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Finish page 32-33 in "Maps, Globes, and Graphs"

Wednesday 11/12/08

  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: Spelling sentences, finish commas and verbs skill sheets
  • Language Arts 4: Spelling sentences, finish reasons and paragraphs skill sheets
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Finish page 30 in your maps book if you didn't finish in class

Tuesday 11/11/08

  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: Write spelling words 3x each on handwriting paper
  • Language Arts 4: Write spelling words 3x each on handwriting paper
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize commandments #7-10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Monday 11/10/08

  • Math 3: 45 B
  • Language Arts 3: Write spelling words in ABC order on handwriting paper
  • Language Arts 4: Write spelling words in ABC order on handwriting paper; write the 2nd draft or final copy of your story for tomorrow
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6-10
  • Science 3/4: Complete the Chapter Review in science packet - this assignment was given on Friday and is due TOMORROW
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Monday, November 3, 2008

Week of November 3-7, 2008

Friday 11/7/08
  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: Final draft due Monday
  • Language Arts 4: First rough draft due Monday
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6-10
  • Science 3/4: Chapter Review (237-240) due on TUESDAY - we will go over it in class
  • Social Studies 3/4: Finish any incomplete pages in Section 3 (pg 24-27) in "Maps, Globes, and Graphs" for MONDAY
Thursday 11/6/08

  • Math 3: Oral Fact Practice 44, Sheet 44B (both sides)
  • Language Arts 3: Finish "Plot" skill sheet
  • Language Arts 4: Finish "Plot" skill sheet
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6-#10
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None
Wednesday 11/5/08

  • Math 3: Sheet 43B - both sides
  • Language Arts 3: Read 170-175 in reading book, write sentences using spelling words
  • Language Arts 4: Read 162-167 in reading book, write sentences using spelling words
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6, #7, #8
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None
Tuesday 11/4/08 ELECTION DAY!! GO VOTE!!

  • Math 3: Oral Facts 42A, Sheet 42B (both sides)
  • Language Arts 3: Spelling words 3x in BEST handwriting
  • Language Arts 4: Time/Order skill sheet, Spelling words 3x in BEST handwriting
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize Commandments #6, #7, #8
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None
Monday 11/3/08

  • Math 3: Lesson 41B
  • Language Arts 3: Adjectives and Adverbs skill sheet, spelling words in ABC order
  • Language Arts 4: Spelling words in ABC order
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None