Since I have only been teaching here for two weeks and therefore wasn't able to talk with parents at orientation, I thought it would be best to make my homework policy clear and ensure that you know exactly what I expect from my students in the area of homework.
I view homework is an opportunity for students to gain extra skills practice, build on what they've already learned in class, and work on being responsible. I will never assign for homework something that I have not already taught or explained in class. Nor will I assign homework simply because I ran out of time to teach or cover something in class. I do my best to give homework that is meaningful and useful, and I expect students to do their best to complete it on time and in a legible manner.

Homework should be turned into the basket in the morning before 8:45, which is when we go next door for devotions with the 5th and 6th graders. At that time, any homework that has not been turned in will be recorded on a "Missing Work" form. On this form, student will record his name, the date, the assignment, and tell me why the homework is missing. I keep these forms for reference and can show them to parents during conference time if necessary. Then the student will spend morning break and/or recess with me, depending on how long it takes the student to complete the homework assignment.
In the afternoons I allow 10-15 minutes for students to gather their things to take home. I direct their attention to the homework board, where they can see exactly what their homework is for the night. At this point it becomes the student's responsibility to write down his assignments, although I have to check each planner to ensure that this has happened. Rarely (if ever) will I give homework in every subject - a typical night will consist of math and one or two other subjects. If your homework is taking longer than 45 minutes to complete or you feel as though the workload is too much, please talk to me! Homework will be due the next day unless noted otherwise. We do not have science and social studies every day, so if there is homework in those subjects then students typically have two days to complete the assignment.
I hope this helps you better understand how I handle the homework process. I appreciate your help at home in keeping your child accountable for his work, and it's my goal that together we can help foster a bit more independence and responsibilty in your student!!
-Miss Bertschi