Friday, October 24, 2008

Week of October 27-31, 2008

Reminders for this week:

  • No school Monday or Tuesday...enjoy your four-day weekend!
  • 12:30 dismissal Wednesday!
  • Conferences will be Wednesday and Thursday afternoons - I look forward to meeting with you!

Friday 10/31/08

  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: Skill Sheet - Punctuating Dialogue
  • Language Arts 4: Skill Sheet - Punctuating Dialogue
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize 6th or 7th Commandment
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Fix errors in "Maps, Globes and Graphs" book - sticky note on front of book lists pages to check. Due MONDAY.

Thursday 10/30/08

  • Math 3: 40B
  • Language Arts 3: Skill Sheet - Kinds of Sentences
  • Language Arts 4: Skill Sheet - Description
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize 6th Commandment
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Wednesday 10/29/08

  • Math 3: 39B - both sides
  • Language Arts 3: None
  • Language Arts 4: End Punctuation skill sheet
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize 5th Commandment
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Complete any skipped pages up to and including page 19 in "Maps, Globes, and Graphs" workbook - Due TOMORROW

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week of October 20-24, 2008

Reminders for this week:

  • Spelling Tests will be on Thursday this week due to our Friday field trip
  • Hot lunch forms and money need to be returned ASAP
  • ALL picture day proofs and orders/money (if applicable) are due this Friday 10/24
  • All field trip permission slips and money are due this Wednesday 10/22
  • Scholastic Book Orders and money are due this Friday 10/24

Friday 10/24/08

  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: None
  • Language Arts 4: None
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize 5th commandment
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Complete any skipped pages up to and including page 19 in "Maps, Globes, and Graphs" workbook - due next Thursday 10/30

Thursday 10/23/08

  • Math 3: 38B - both sides
  • Language Arts 3: None
  • Language Arts 4: Finish timelines for Gregg Nevarez
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize 5th commandment
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: Complete any skipped pages up to and including page 19 in "Maps, Globes, and Graphs" workbook - due next Thursday 10/30

Wednesday 10/22/08

  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: Spelling sentences - handwriting paper using best handwriting
  • Language Arts 4: Spelling sentences - handwriting paper using best handwriting
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize all commandments up to #5 if you haven't already done so
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Tuesday 10/21/08

  • Math 3: Lesson 36 B (whatever wasn't finished in class)
  • Language Arts 3: Write spelling words 3x - on last night's handwriting paper, BEST handwriting
  • Language Arts 4: Write spelling words 3x - on last night's handwriting paper, BEST handwriting
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize all commandments up to #5 if you haven't already done so
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4:

Monday 10/20/08

  • Math 3: Lesson 35B, both sides
  • Language Arts 3: write spelling words in ABC order on handwriting paper using best handwriting
  • Language Arts 4: write spelling words in ABC order on handwriting paper using best handwriting
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize any commandments up to and including #5 that you haven't already said to Mrs. Hoffmann
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Monday, October 13, 2008

Week of October 13-17, 2008

Just a few notes about this week...

  • Proofs from picture day went home today, 10/13. All proofs and/or orders are due back by October 24, 2008.
  • Don't forget your permission slip for the field trip to the pumpkin patch, which must be turned in by October 22, 2008.
  • Please bring 20 cents to cover the cost of your posterboard for the Famous Rocks report.
  • The third and fourth graders are very sad to say goodbye to Tucker but are praying for him and his family, and we know God will take care of them as their journey takes them on a different path. We love the Hirt family!

Monday 10/13/08

  • Math 3: Sheet 31B, both sides
  • Language Arts 3: Write spelling words in alphabetical order
  • Language Arts 4: Write spelling words in alphabetical order, be prepared to share poems tomorrow in class
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing the 10 Commandments (ongoing assignment)
  • Science 3/4: Bring books or Internet sources for Famous Rocks project to work on in class TOMORROW, Chapter Review is also due tomorrow (Test Wednesday 10/15)
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Tuesday 10/14/08

  • Math 3: Sheet 32B, both sides. **congrats, ALL the 3rd graders turned in their math today!! Way to go!!
  • Language Arts 3: Write spelling words 3x each - on handwriting paper, using BEST handwriting
  • Language Arts 4: Write spelling words 3x each - on handwriting paper, using BEST handwriting
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing the 10 Commandments (ongoing assignment)
  • Science 3/4: Continue to work on Famous Rocks project, study for tomorrow's test and bring the completed student packet on Rocks and Soils if you haven't already done so. See previous post for information about tomorrow's test.
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Wednesday 10/15/08

  • Math 3: None **Congrats again on everyone turning in homework today!!
  • Language Arts 3: Write sentences using your spelling words - on handwriting paper, using best handwriting
  • Language Arts 4: Write sentences using your spelling words - on handwriting paper, using best handwriting
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing the 10 Commandments
  • Science 3/4: Famous Rocks project due this Friday 10/17. Project should include both a written report and a poster - see previous post or information sheet that went home with students last week for details.
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Thursday 10/16/08

  • Math 3: Lesson 34B, both sides
  • Language Arts 3: Study spelling words - test tomorrow
  • Language Arts 4: Study spelling words - test tomorrow. Also, finish "Giving Reasons" worksheet.
  • Religion 3/4: Memorizing the 10 Commandments
  • Science 3/4: Famous Rock projects due tomorrow - poster and written report
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Friday 10/17/08

  • Math 3: None
  • Language Arts 3: None
  • Language Arts 4: Re-read "Eddie, Incorporated" and fix errors on quiz
  • Religion 3/4: Memorize 3rd and 4th commandments
  • Science 3/4: None
  • Social Studies 3/4: None

Friday, October 10, 2008

Famous Rocks Project/Unit Wrap-up

Next week we will be concluding our science unit on Rock and Minerals. Here is what to expect...

  • Chapter review (found in student booklet) should be completed by Tuesday 10/14. We will go over it together on either Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • Chapter test will be Wednesday 10/15. Study the student packet: be familiar with all the vocabulary terms (in yellow), know the rock cycle, and be able to name ways we use rocks, minerals, and soil.
  • The Famous Rock projects are due Friday 10/17. I am allowing classtime on Tuesday for students to work on them, but they will most likely need more time than that to complete the project. Please make sure to bring books or Internet articles to school on Tuesday so that you have something to do! Also, please bring 20 cents to cover the cost of your posterboard. An information sheet outlining this project was sent home today; if you have any further questions please call or email me! 330-701-9126 or

-Miss Bertschi

Philosophy of Homework

Since I have only been teaching here for two weeks and therefore wasn't able to talk with parents at orientation, I thought it would be best to make my homework policy clear and ensure that you know exactly what I expect from my students in the area of homework.

I view homework is an opportunity for students to gain extra skills practice, build on what they've already learned in class, and work on being responsible. I will never assign for homework something that I have not already taught or explained in class. Nor will I assign homework simply because I ran out of time to teach or cover something in class. I do my best to give homework that is meaningful and useful, and I expect students to do their best to complete it on time and in a legible manner.

Homework should be turned into the basket in the morning before 8:45, which is when we go next door for devotions with the 5th and 6th graders. At that time, any homework that has not been turned in will be recorded on a "Missing Work" form. On this form, student will record his name, the date, the assignment, and tell me why the homework is missing. I keep these forms for reference and can show them to parents during conference time if necessary. Then the student will spend morning break and/or recess with me, depending on how long it takes the student to complete the homework assignment.

In the afternoons I allow 10-15 minutes for students to gather their things to take home. I direct their attention to the homework board, where they can see exactly what their homework is for the night. At this point it becomes the student's responsibility to write down his assignments, although I have to check each planner to ensure that this has happened. Rarely (if ever) will I give homework in every subject - a typical night will consist of math and one or two other subjects. If your homework is taking longer than 45 minutes to complete or you feel as though the workload is too much, please talk to me! Homework will be due the next day unless noted otherwise. We do not have science and social studies every day, so if there is homework in those subjects then students typically have two days to complete the assignment.

I hope this helps you better understand how I handle the homework process. I appreciate your help at home in keeping your child accountable for his work, and it's my goal that together we can help foster a bit more independence and responsibilty in your student!!

-Miss Bertschi